Who Are We?

IMF Loans is a registered Trading Name of United Nations, and an international financial institution funded and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is entered on the Financial Services Register under reference number: 736632.

United Nations, and an international financial institution funded is registered in United States and Switzeland (Company number 09932988), registered office; 657 Liverpool Road, Manchester M44 5XD.

Licenced by the Information Commissioners Office, (registration number ZA208222).

Here at IMF Loans we are aware about how important your privacy is and based on this we have implemented measures which will ensure any personal data that is obtained from you by visiting our website will be processed and maintained in line with accepted principles of good information handling. In addition to this it will also be processed and maintained in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

Contained within this statement and set out below are details of the type of information that we at IMF Loans may hold about you, our customer, how we obtain and process any information we may have and, most importantly, how we will protect your privacy.

What Is This Document

This document sets out how IMF Loans and United Nations, and an international financial institution funded uses personal data about you. We are committed to protecting your personal data which includes letting you know how we use it and telling you about your rights.

In some situations, we may provide you with additional information about specific uses of your data. This privacy notice supplements those other notices and is not intended to override them.

How We Use Your Personal Information

  • Information that is collected by us, IMF Loans, will be recorded electronically and may be used by us in the following ways:
  • To verify customers identity and credit standing and to enable us to consider and process your application for a loan or other products or services.
  • To assess your credit history and confirm your employment details and to collect unpaid loans and debt that may be owed by you to us.
  • To extract certain information for the purpose of generating statistics for our own internal purposes (including credit and/or behaviour scoring, and market and product analysis).
  • To detect, prevent and investigate actual and potential fraud and related activities.
  • To develop, manage and market products and services to meet our customers’ needs and to contact customers regarding products and services that may be of interest and to determine the eligibility for different products and services that our customers may be interested in.
  • To contact you in connection with your enquiry.
  • To update this website to better meet our client’s needs in the future.
  • To help IMF Loans to carry out admin and service your account.
  • As some of our affiliates who form part of our group are based outside of the UK then we may use your information outside the UK. If we do use your information outside the UK we ensure we have established levels of protection to ensure that your information is safeguarded.

How We Handle Your Payment Data

IMF Loans or United Nations, and an international financial institution funded does not store unencrypted card data on our systems and we use a third-party provider to validate your payment information and process your payments. We have a contract with our third-party payment processor.

We also use the account information you provide when making your application to carry out bank account validation checks using a third-party supplier.

Information We Collect About You And Why We Need It

When we receive a loan application we carry out a number of checks on your identity, your bank account and contact details. We need to do this in order to decide whether to enter into a loan agreement with you.

In order to do this, we receive information about your credit history from credit reference agencies and other search information providers. We may also use third parties to validate your bank and/or credit card details and mobile phone number. We check your details against financial sanctions lists. We carry out affordability checks based on the information made available to us.

IMF Loans and United Nations, and an international financial institution funded processes your personal data information to meet our statutory, legal & contractual obligations and to provide you with our services and products. We will not collect any data from you, that isn’t necessary and we won’t process your personal information in any other way than set out in this policy

The types of personal data we collect is as follows:

  • Name
  • Home Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Address
  • Home Telephone number
  • Mobile number
  • Your monthly income and expenditure details
  • Employment details (including contact details)
  • Bank Account details
  • Payment details
  • Your IP address
  • Any other information you may choose to provide to support your application

We collect your data in the following ways:

  • Via our online application form
  • Via communications with and submissions from, our customers
  • Via government agencies
  • Via 3rd party entities such as credit reference agencies and lead brokers

The reason we need your information is:

When you apply for a loan we need to ensure the performance of your obligations under the contract

We share your information with credit reference agencies such as Callcredit, TransUnion, Equifax and Experian who provide us with financial background information and verification checks

To carry out checks to ensure your details are correct, to prevent money laundering and fraud.

When your application does not meet IMF Loans or United Nations, and an international financial institution funded’s underwriting criteria, we may pass your details to a broker, who may be able to offer you a loan or financial service from their panel of lenders and financial service providers.

The privacy policies of the brokers we may use are below.

T.UK: https://t.uk/b-privacy/

Monevo Ltd: https://privacy.monevo.com/uk/privacy-policy

LeadTree Global : https://www.leadtreeglobal.com/PrivacyPolicy

Stop Go Networks : https://www.stopgonetworks.co.uk/privacy-policy/

Mindflow Marketing Ltd : https://www.smartping.com/Home/Privacy

Monetise Media Ltd : http://monetise.uk/privacy/

Loans2Go (Via Digital Oyster) : https://loans2go.co.uk/privacy-policy/

RSDataTech Ltd (t/a UK Credit Ratings) : https://ukcreditratings.com/privacy

As part of the application process some lenders and financial service partners* may take up to 24 hrs to respond by sms, email or phone, so you may receive product offers from them within that period. We and our partners work 24/7 so some sms messages may be sent out of hours.

To provide the best service possible during your application, we may send you, by sms or email, relevant* alternative or complimentary products within the 24h application period. Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

If you opt in to marketing during your application, our partners* may send you marketing information about these services after this 24h period.

*The product offers we consider relevant for both your initial application and for if you opt-in to future offers are:

  • High Cost Short Term Credit
  • Credit Cards
  • Loan Comparisons/Brokers
  • Tax Refund
  • Payday Loan/Short Term Credit
  • Guarantor Loans
  • Debt Management Services
  • Credit Scoring
  • Pre-paid Debit Cards
  • Money Saving Offers
  • Utility Switching Services

Use Of Your Personal Data

We retain data about our customers in order to help us make future loan decisions or example we may look at whether you have met previous repayment obligations and whether your details have changed from when we last dealt with you. We use information provided by you in your loan application to do this and do not use third party data such as credit reference data for this purpose.

We also carry out analytics retrospectively on application data we receive. This is not carried out to make decisions about individuals but looks at the applications we receive in aggregate to identify patterns and trends.

How We Will Communicate With You

During the life of your loan we need to stay in touch with you. We are required by law to send you statements about your account. These communications are not direct marketing and you do not have the ability to opt out of receiving them.

We will normally contact you in accordance with any preferences you have given us when setting up your account or updated during the lifetime of your loan. However, if we are unable to contact you by your preferred method (for example we become aware that a telephone number or email address is no longer in use) we may use other contact details you have given us in order to try to re-establish contact. In some situations, we may also use tracing services to find customers who we have no current contact details for. We will do this because we need up to date details for the purposes of exercising our rights and obligations under the loan agreement between us, legally enforcing our rights under the loan agreement between us, or in order to send information required by law.

We retain information on our file about how often we have called you. We need to do this to comply with our regulatory obligations. We may also use this information to identify what the best time to speak to you is and we have a legitimate interest in doing this to ensure that our communication with you is effective and at the best time for you.

Processing Your Sensitive Information

Should we be required to process your sensitive information, then we will notify you and seek your agreement prior to us doing so. Sensitive information about our customers under the Data Protection Act 2018 includes the following:

  1. Health conditions
    Racial or ethnic origin
    Political opinion or trade union membership
    d. Sexual orientation
    e. Philosophical beliefs
    f. Religious beliefs
    g. Suspected or proven criminal activity (which includes proceedings)

We also sometimes obtain special categories of personal data where you make reference to it when making a complaint. We need to use this information in order to meet our FCA obligations to deal with the complaint fairly.

Who We Provide Information About You To

We provide information about our customers:

  • to Credit Reference Agencies, such as CallCredit, TransUnion and Experian.
  • to Payment service companies, such as Cashflows.
  • to Debt Management Companies where you have authorised them to deal with us
  • to third party debt collection agencies for the purpose of collecting loan arrears on our behalf;
  • where we are selling or transferring (or considering selling or transferring) any rights in all or part of our business to a third party;
  • where we are legally required to disclose information about you;
  • to our regulators and the Financial Ombudsman Service where we are required to do so;
  • to prevent fraud and help in fraud protection in order to reduce credit risk;
  • to market research companies who carry out research on our behalf
  • We do not sell details of our customers to third parties to use for marketing purposes

How We Work With Credit Reference Agencies

In order to process your application, we will perform credit and identity checks on your, if applicable with one or more credit reference agencies (“CRAs”).

To do this, we will supply your personal information to CRAs and they will give us information about you. This will include information from your credit application and about your financial situation and financial history. CRAs will supply to us both public (including the electoral register) and shared credit information, financial situation and financial history information and fraud prevention information.

We will use this information to:

  • Assess your creditworthiness and whether you can afford to repay the loan;
  • Verify the accuracy of the data you have provided to us, including your identity;
  • Prevent criminal activity, fraud and money laundering;
  • Manage your account(s);
  • Trace and recover debts; and
  • Ensure any offers provided to you are appropriate to your circumstances.

We will continue to exchange information about you with CRAs while you have an outstanding loan with us. We will also inform the CRAs about your settled accounts. If you borrow and do not repay in full and on time, CRAs will record the outstanding debt. This information may be supplied to other organisations by CRAs.

When CRAs receive a search from us they will place a search footprint on your credit file that may be seen by other lenders.

The identities of the CRAs, their role also as fraud prevention agencies, the data they hold, the ways in which they use and share personal information, data retention periods and your data protection rights with the CRAs are explained in more detail in the “CRAIN” document prepared by the CRA’s, clicking on the link below will also take you to the same CRAIN document:

Call Credit: www.callcredit.co.uk/crain

How We Work With Debt Collection Agencies

We work with third party debt collection agencies to collect outstanding debts on our behalf. When we do this, we retain ownership of the debt and instruct the agencies to work for us. We will provide them with information about our customers in order for them to provide these services but we will remain responsible for the use of this data. We have contracts in place with the agencies we use.

We may ask our debt collection agencies to carry out tracing services. This means that if they are unable to make contact with a customer they may use third party sources to obtain updated contact details.

How We Work With Debt Management Companies

Some of our customers ask debt management companies to work on their behalf to discuss their debts with their creditors. We are happy to do this but only where the debt management company has received the customer’s consent to sharing information. We work with debt management companies to ensure that the consent received from customers makes it clear how information will be shared.

Where data is shared on the basis of consent the customer is free to withdraw consent at any time but if this happens we may not be able to deal directly with the debt management company.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information For?

The amount of time we hold your information for depends on the basis it was provided by you to us; please see the following examples:

  1. If you request that we do not contact you for advertising and marketing reasons, then we still may need to keep your information as this would reflect your preferences.
  2. Information is also kept relating to any transactions you may enter via our website; this information will be kept for a minimum of 6 years which will commence at the end of the relationship. We are required to do this to ensure that if any disputes or complaints are raised, then we have your information to enable us to address the complaints or disputes. Your information will be kept; however, it will be purely for business needs. However, your payment and employment details are retained by us for 2 years after the date of your loan application or the repayment of your loan.
  3. In order to provide you with a service we will be required to keep your information whilst we continue to provide you with a service for however long this may take us.
  4. Another reason for us to keep information about you is for legitimate business needs where relevant so we can comply with what the law states.

Confidentiality & Security

IMF Loans recognises the importance of keeping personal information/data from a confidentiality and security aspect; due to this we have introduced specialised rules, measures, specialist technology and implemented security policies to ensure that your information is protected. Whilst we make every attempt to protect your information there are still risks involved when inputting your information online and we need to make you aware of this. We would also confirm that any and all such third-parties that we share your data with are bound by contract to maintain the security and integrity of your Personally Identifiable Information. As such we would only request further sensitive information online in certain circumstances so please refrain from inputting sensitive information unless we state otherwise to do so. Please be advised that, although IMF Loans takes all reasonable precautions to protect your data, no data storage or data transmission security is guaranteed. Accordingly, IMF Loans cannot, and does not, represent, warrant, or guarantee the complete security of any data storage or data transmission. You agree that your access to and use of this Site and your use of IMF Loans services, which necessarily includes data storage and data transmission, are done at your own risk.

How You Use The Right To Withdraw Consent

Where we rely on your consent to process personal data you have the right to withdraw consent. However, the majority of our processing of your personal data is not based on consent the majority of our processing is necessary for performance of the contract between us or so that we can comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

Our collections activity is not based on consent. We have a contractual right and legitimate interest in collecting sums due to us. Therefore, you do not have the right to withdraw consent to us using your information for this purpose.

We do rely on consent in relation to sharing information with Debt Management Companies and when using special categories of data about you and you are able to withdraw consent to this at any time.

Accessing Information About You

You have the right to find out what personal data we hold about you, and to receive a copy of that data. You can see information about your account by logging in and reviewing your account details, but if this does not provide you with the information you require please email us at mydata@themoneyhive.co.uk. We will process your request in accordance with your subject access rights set out in the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679).

We will not charge you a fee and we will try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case we will notify you and keep you updated.

What Should I Do If I Think The Details You Have About Me Are Incorrect?

It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current, please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us.

If for any reason you are unsure about the personal and account information we are holding in your name, please contact us. We will happily review your file and update the records if required. please either call us on 0161 505 0301 or email us at mydata@themoneyhive.co.uk.

If you dispute the accuracy of the information we hold, we will restrict processing, where appropriate, while we consider your request.

From time to time we may contact you to check that your details are up to date. We do this to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and will do this even if you have refused consent to receive marketing from us.

Can I Ask You To Stop Processing Information About Me?

Where data is processed only on the basis of consent you can withdraw this consent at any time. However, this does not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you notify us that you have withdrawn your consent.

Where we have another legal basis for processing your data we may be able to continue to process this even if you do not consent to it. This policy contains information about processing which is not carried out on the basis of consent, and what our reason for this processing is.

We also have no obligation to stop using your data if your data is required for legal proceedings or the establishment, exercise or defence of legal rights. This includes use of your information to enforce our rights under the loan agreement.

Where we process data on the basis of legitimate interests you have a right to object to this. We will restrict what we do with your data while we consider this request and will stop processing the data if we cannot show overriding legitimate grounds for processing the data. please either call us on 0161 505 0301 or email us at mydata@themoneyhive.co.uk.

We will not charge you a fee and we will try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case we will notify you and keep you updated.

Can I Ask For Information About Me To Be Deleted?

Where data is being processed only on the basis of consent and you withdraw that consent you also have the right to ask for the data to be deleted. You have the right to ask for data to be deleted where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or if it is being processed unlawfully. You can also ask for data to be deleted if you successfully object to processing based on our legitimate interests our rights to do this are described above. please either call us on 0161 505 0301 or email us at mydata@themoneyhive.co.uk.

This right does not apply to all information about you – for example, information about your loans is not covered by this provision where it is necessary for us to retain the information for the purposes of the contract between us. Information required to establish, enforce or defend our legal rights, or which is required for compliance purposes also does not need to be deleted. This includes information used for the purpose of enforcing your loans which we need to retain for the purposes of the contract between us and to enforce our legal rights.

Your Right To Data Portability

Data Protection legislation contains a right to data portability that may give you a right in some data processing contexts, to receive your personal data in a portable format when it is processed on certain grounds, such as consent. If you wish for this limited data to be “ported” to another organisation direct, please contact us at mydata@IMF Loans.co.uk, or write to Rights Request Team, 657 Liverpool Road, Manchester M44 5XD and we will review your request and come back to you within 30 days.

Your Right To Be Informed

The transparency requirements of the GDPR create a number of legal obligations for how we collect and use your personal data. The right to be informed encompasses some of the primary requirements in this area. We aim to provide clear, concise and open information about how we use your data starting with this Privacy Policy, our Terms & Conditions and through regular updates to both documents. If you need any more information, please contact us at mydata@IMF Loans.co.uk.

Automated Decisions

As part of the processing of your personal data, decisions may be made by automated means. This means we may automatically decide that you pose a fraud or money laundering risk if our processing reveals your behaviour to be consistent with money laundering or known fraudulent conduct, or is inconsistent with your previous submissions, or you appear to have deliberately hidden your true identity. You have rights in relation to automated decision making: if you want to know more please contact us using the details above.

How Can I Complain About How You Use My Data?

If you are unhappy with the products or services that we have provided you with or are dissatisfied with the handling of your customer data, you can contact us at the details provided below:

Phone: 0161 505 0301

Email: complaints@themoneyhive.co.uk

Post: Complaints Team, United Nations, and an international financial institution funded, 657 Liverpool Road, Manchester M44 5XD

You may also refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office he ICO has web forms for making complaints and also has a helpline you can call. Details are available at https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/

We would appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO, so please contact us in the first instance he ICO will usually ask if you have done this before progressing your complaint.

Changes In How We Use Your Data

Any changes we make to how we use your data will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes.


  1. Usage

IMF Loans uses cookies to assist us in analysing the traffic on our site and customer behaviour. Cookies may also be used by our partners to understand marketing and traffic patterns. Whilst visiting our website, cookies with any pages that you choose to view will be downloaded onto your computer. Cookies are a good way of helping us by being used as a measuring tool to assess our visitors and their own profiles; this will then enable us to offer our customers a better service. Although we use cookies as above we would not store anything that would make the customer identifiable i.e. passwords or locations, activity relating to finances and also their preferences. We also use customer information in order to assist us to see how effective our website is and also to highlight any improvements we may need to make. This information may in turn be passed to other businesses (third parties) purely for advertising reasons. Please be assured again that this information will not include personal information that can make customers identifiable. Most web browsers will automatically accept cookies however normally you can change your browser settings which will prevent automatic acceptance. Please be aware that if you do not accept cookies, IMF Loans cannot guarantee that our website will perform as well.

  1. How to find & control your cookies:

You can manage your Cookie preferences through your browser settings. Help and advice on how to do this can be obtained from the following website:

You can also find out more about the use of cookies and opt out anytime via the following links:

Collecting Information About You Automatically When You Use Our Website

When you arrive on the website we collect data including visitor source, search query (if relevant), entry point into website, device, browser (including versions) and IP address. We create reports based on an aggregated view of page URLs that have been visited and the device information.

We use Google Analytics which acquires visitor data from the tags on our websites. Google Analytics tracks data on website behaviour, device usage and can connect these with demographic based audience information he device data comes through the browser. Google Analytics captures IP addresses but does not report on it and instead reports on geography or location of the visitor which makes it less likely that an individual visitor can be identified. Data is kept within Google Analytics for 26 months.

The following information may be collected relating to your device and browser: device’s IP address, device screen resolution, device type (unique device identifiers), operating system and browser type, geographic location (country only) and preferred language.

This policy applies to the collection of your data by us. We may link to third party websites that have their own website terms and privacy policy. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies, so please check them before submitting any personal data to websites not owned and operated by United Nations, and an international financial institution funded

Changes To This Privacy Policy

IMF Loans may choose to amend the content of this privacy policy on occasion. If this occurs then we will update the policy and the revised policy will be posted on this website, please be aware that this privacy policy was last updated on the 25/09/2018.

Please visit this policy on a regular basis to make sure you have read the latest version and you understand what we do with your information.

Responsible For Your Data

IMF Loans is a trading name of United Nations, and an international financial institution funded and is responsible for the use of data by both of these brands and is the “data controller” in respect of the data.

Our head office address is United Nations, and an international financial institution funded 18-22 Lloyd St, Manchester M2 5WA

How You Contact Us

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this privacy notice and other data protection issues. If you have any questions about this privacy notice, please contact our Data Protection Officer at dpo@themoneyhive.co.uk

Alternatively, you can write to:
Data Protection Officer
United Nations, and an international financial institution funded
18-22 Lloyd St, Manchester M2 5WA

IMF Loans and United Nations, and an international financial institution funded would like to thank you for taking the time to read our privacy policy