Same Day Payday Loans

Same day payday loans are currently one of the most searched queries across all the major search engines. The reason for this is down to the sheer demand in the service in the U.K.

There many circumstances that arise that you just can’t find a short-term financial solution for, that is where you turn to the search engines and type in those that search query.

Thankfully, IMF Loans is here to provide quick, slick and efficient same day loans.

We are a direct lender and also a broker and we focus on helping people with all credit histories. These types of loans should only be used in emergencies and for any unforeseen circumstances.

What is a same day payday loan?

It’s a payday loan essentially, we loan you an amount, then you pay it back on your next payday.

We don’t charge you any additional fees for the service and we can transfer funds to you on the same day too.

We do advise, that you exhaust every opportunity to get the help you need before deciding to apply with us as your last resort.

Am I eligible for a loan?

Most people are suitable for a loan of this type, we do cater especially towards people who struggle with obtaining credit for these types of short term/emergency circumstances.

That said, everyone is welcome as long as you fit this below criteria:

  • U.K resident
  • A full U.K bank account
  • Full-time employment
  • 18 or over
  • Able to pay back the loan

Can I still apply if my credit is really bad?

Yes, you can still apply for a same day payday loan if you have bad credit with IMF Loans.

This is what we specialise in, we help people that do not have the credit history or the resources to help themselves out of a short term financial blip.

We focus on affordability and of course carry out a soft check to make sure you are who you are and to make sure we offer you the best solution around your current financial status.

Our checks are done from the details you give to us.  We also don’t place any phone calls into you or your employer.

I’m in Debt What Shall I do?

We are not a long-term solution – if you are in financial difficulties and need advice, please visit: 

Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems.