How to Handle Late Nights…

How to Handle Late Nights…

Now we’ve all had a late night or two in our time. This can be down to a myriad of reasons. Whether your late-night is caused by a big night out or working the night shift. If your slumber has been unsteadied by having a restless little one or the strains and stress of everyday life are just taking their toll on your sleeping pattern. Heres a little guide in two parts on how to handle late nights…from IMF Loans, Part 1

Part 1

Recovering from a big night out…

According to the NHS website, sadly there are no currently existing cures for a hangover after a big night! 😱However, most of the symptoms that arise with a hangover are in fact just dehydration and that can be easily resolved.

Other suggestions for hangover cures include;

  • eating food high in carbs/fats before drinking to absorb the alcohol
  • drink a glass of water/still soft drink between boozy bevvies
  • eating sugary food the day after (Mmmmm maybe a stack of fluffy pancakes with maple syrup?! 😋🥞)
  • a tasty, veggie-loaded but light soup full of vitamins to replace what has been lost on the dancefloor the night before🕺🏻😂
pancakes GIF

Big no-goes are ‘hair of the dog’ (a total myth) and drinking more than 14 units a week on a regular basis.

If you want to monitor how much you are drinking and/or are concerned, contact your GP for an appointment and download a drink tracking app.

How to Handle Late Nights…

The Night Managers…

There are not many shifts more difficult than the dreaded night shift, and some of our most vital resources are required to work these. Carers, Paramedics, Nurses, Police, Security and Social Workers are just a few of the invaluable occupations of the people whose day often starts at 11 pm and ends at 6 am. If you’re new to the night shift, here are a few tips from (Health and Safety Executive) on how to manage when burning the midnight oil…

Caffeine is your friend!

Obviously you don’t want a full turbo boost and end up climbing the walls by having too many espresso’s. But a specially prepared hot drink or energy-boosting juice to keep you going in the very early AM won’t go a miss.

Try buying a nice flavoured green tea (takes away the bitterness), a luxury hot chocolate mix, fresh coffee or simply a classic cuppa Tea. All packed with caffeine and they can become a regular treat on shift for performing your workweek upside down.

Take Care When Driving!

Driving when you are sleepy is incredibly dangerous, so make sure to consider all other options before taking the wheel. Taking public transport is much safer and you can include an extra power nap in both directions if you need.

If you must drive do a little exercise to get some adrenalin pumping beforehand and set off in plenty of time so if you feel even the slightest bit sleepy you can pull over in a layby and catch a few zzz’s.

How to Handle Late Nights…

Don’t Snooze, Ya Lose!

Getting around 8 hours a night is so, so important to a healthy body and mind. It really will make all the difference when on a night shift. Getting your body clock right at first may take a little trial and error though.

tired the office GIF

Try going straight to bed as soon as you get home. If that doesn’t work you can try to fit in your prescribed 8 hours. Just time it right up to when you get dressed and ready for work the next night.

Check back soon for Part 2 of How to Handle Late Nights, it’s one for the sleep-deprived parents and the perplexed insomniacs!

IMF Loans offers late-night loans for bad credit, payday loans and short term loans to suit your needs, to find out more click here. You can apply 24 hours a day so don’t let the time stop you. Make sorting a financial emergency your priority.