5 Budget Gift Ideas for Her on Valentine’s Day

5 Budget Gift Ideas for Her on Valentine’s Day

When you’re in budgeting mode, discovering how to wow your significant other on Valentine’s Day can be extremely stressful. Modern society has programmed us to believe that we have to spend excessive amounts of money to astonish our ladies. But some of the best gifts in life are free if not cheap. Discover 5 great budget gift ideas for her that’ll benefit your relationship as well as your wallet.

Create a romantic music playlist

As streaming is the general way music is consumed nowadays, gifting her with music couldn’t be easier. You could send a playlist consisting of songs that are special for the both of you, or just songs that you want to recommend to her. If you both have subscriptions to music streaming services already that’ll cost you nothing. In case you can’t afford a streaming service, you could even create a playlist for free on a platform like YouTube for example.

Top tip: If you’re musically inclined, you could even create or write a song to her to show your significant other how significant she really is.

Explore different books to read

Books can be a useful gift for any occasion. Her taste will have a book that can match it as there are loads of options and categories to choose from to suit her. Even if she’s not really into reading, there’s always audiobooks. Platforms like audible allow you to have a collection of multiple audiobooks for a monthly subscription fee. Even if you cancel that subscription, the books are still yours to keep. To make gifting a book special, you could include a romantic inscription on the flyleaf. This lets her understand how you feel about her.

Shower her with flowers

Flowers are a traditional Valentine’s Day gift that you just cannot go wrong with. If you own a garden, getting flowers on a budget might be effortless for you. Roses are a traditional flower choice for Valentine’s Day. They’re symbolic of love and passion. If you’re in the friendship stage, yellow roses can be useful to symbolise friendship. Roses, however, aren’t the only flower that is symbolic of love. If you’re thinking out the box, Purple Orchids are a good alternative that symbolises love too.

Indulge her sweet tooth

You can’t go wrong with a box of chocolates or something sweet on Valentine’s Day. The two go together like milk & honey. Plus, as it’s a special day, there will be excessive amounts to choose from… hopefully, her favourites will be there! A good budget idea that can be made at home is chocolate-covered strawberries. It doesn’t take a draining amount of effort or a lot of time to make either.

Put your creativity to use

Getting creative with Valentine’s Day gifts can be useful. You’ll make your gift more meaningful and get to brush up on a skill in the process. It’s likely that you and she will be having some sort of dessert if you’re eating together so why not show that you’ve got skills in the kitchen and bake something sweet? Perhaps a cake or some yummy cookies? Not to mention, because it’s just the two of you, you won’t have to worry about making something huge that would take more time to prepare as you’re baking for two.


Combining one or more of these budgeting ideas will enhance your relationship. The reason being is because the gifts can be personalised to some degree, therefore making it special for her and not just generic. For advantageous budgeting tips to put to use in February, be sure to browse our blog!