Bad Credit Score Loans

Money issues always tend to show up when least expected. As a result, we end up questioning ourselves about how we’re going to cope until payday’s arrival. When traditional credit forms aren’t of easy access to you, one of our bad credit score loans could be the perfect financial help that you need. Not to mention, nuisance upfront costs won’t be a problem as IMF Loans doesn’t charge any fees.

Cases, where you might need some financial assistance, including an auto insurance premium, unexpected bills and property repairs. Such as replacing a broken appliance, plumbing issues or floor restoration.

What can I use Bad Credit Score Loans for?

Bad credit loans are intended for helping you in correcting and covering your finances in the short-term. They’re an excellent backup option when minor and unanticipated adversities occur within your finances. Plus, when borrowing from family or friends is not a suitable option they can work to your benefit as well. Our bad credit score loans can be utilised to take care of bare necessities. They can also handle your unanticipated bills so you can live as normal until your next payday reaches.

Please note though that you’re free to use your loan however you want to, but we urge that you use it for necessity purposes. If you’re using the loan for multiple purposes, we recommend that you use it for top priority costs first prior to any other costs.

How do Repayments Work?

A benefit of our bad credit score loans (as well as short term, payday, and no guarantor loans) is that the repayment period can be customised, this enables you to set it for the perfect time for you as it can be between one month or up to twelve. 

Failure of meeting repayments timely can seriously affect your credit score. Let alone it can lead to you facing fees as a result. Moreover, in the event that you don’t believe that you’ll be able to meet repayments, we advise that you contact the lender at the soonest opportunity.

What are the Eligibility Requirements?

At IMF Loans, we have clear and concise eligibility criteria to guarantee that we are lending in a responsible manner to our customers. The criteria for bad credit score loans are:

  • Aged 18 or over
  • In employment (full-time or part-time) and earning a stable amount of income
  • Must reside in the UK
  • Capable of affording monthly repayments

Checking that you match our eligibility criteria prior to applying for the loan increases your likeliness of approval of the loan. If you would like to contact us regarding the eligibility criteria, do not hesitate to get in touch!

Are IMF Loans a Direct Lender?

Yes, we’re an FCA registered direct lender. That’s not just it though, we are also a broker too. This differentiates us from other lenders in today’s market. The result of this is that you get to reach a diverse and broad range of products and different lenders. Accordingly, you can find the correct loan to suit both your situation & needs. Direct lenders are independent business entities. Their lack of association with any banks or credit unions is the reason for this.

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